Spirit entities are an interesting yet controversial issue. Some people believe in their existence, whereas others flatly deny the fact. SPI welcomes you to this opportunity of finding out more about this mysterious power of healing lamp, and insights about spirits that includes the good and bad, hexing, and protection against black magic. The power of the special energy, radiated from the healing lamp that was recited with a secret ancient Thai chant, is believed to be able to expel ‘ghosts’. Victims of black magic, inflicted by hex, disturbed by ghosts or spiritual attacks, could be cured from this mystical healing lamp. People who allegedly have negative energy inside their bodies, such as ill lucks and mischievous spirits could be ‘cleansed’ by the power of such healing lamp. It was shown that such victims would react strangely upon the burning of the oil lamp – gases were said to roll through the digestion system, muscles hysterically contract and sometimes limbs shake violently without control, akin to signs of exorcism. Master Sanna, a certified Spiritual Healer for more than two decades and the author of “THE SANNA HEALING LAMP” is invited to give a talk in regards to the following issues.
1. What are Spirits?
2. Characteristics and behaviour
3. How spirits make their presence felt
4. The difference between mental illness & victims of Spirit-Attack
5. 'The Story of Kuman Thong' (The Golden Boy).
6. The Sanna Healing Lamp & how it works
7. Q & A
Date: 2:00pm to 4:00pm, Sunday, 30/3
Cost: Only $6 for sharing the rental of seminar room and facility
(by our SPI non-profit principle)
Venue: SMRT Clubhouse, No. 3 Bishan Street 14,
(Minutes walk from Bishan MRT, In front of Bishan Stadium, beside Bishan Swimming Complex)
here for map
To sign up, simply email to
register@spi.com.sg with the subject “Sanna Healing Lamp Seminar” and with the following details:
* Your full name
* Your SPI forum nick (You are welcome to join our forum)
* Your I/C number (for security reasons)
* Your email address
* Your contact number (It is very important that you provide a contact number)
* Indicate your membership (e.g. SPI Agent, SPI Friend, or public)
Remember to bring along your IC or passport for validation purposes.
SPI Yuiiko, lately visited Master Sanna and tried the lamp. Amazingly she had some strong reaction against the power of the magic lamp. It was later commented by Master that there were ‘spirits’ attached to her body that coincided with some previous encounter happened to her.
Watch the videos below:
Part A – Yuiiko on the healing lamp bed (4:47min)
Part B – Watch out the last 10 seconds. Sometimes happened … (6:00min)
Part C – Master Sanna recited chant and settled the chaos (00:11min)

Master Sanna

Master Sanna and his ancient magic lamp art were reported in 1989 in Shin Min Daily

SPI Kenny interviewed Master Sanna, back to year 2001

The healing lamp is to place at the top of the head, in order to channel the energy straight into the brown chakra
During the investigation, ghost detection gadgets were put beside Kenny
This experiment was conducted after Kenny visited an old Malay cemetery at Ubin; there were some ‘dirty’ things followed him. The photos show two sessions in year 2001 and year 2003 respectively