Friday, October 3, 2008

司徒法正師傅 2009 己丑(牛)年運程

司徒法正師傅 2009 己丑(牛)年運程

經已出版!! 各大報攤有售!! 欲購從促!!

幸運牛年 隨身LUCK CARD!!

提升事業 + 財運 + 愛情 + 健康

大家想在2009年得到上列四大願望吧? 司徒法正 師傅特意為大家做了四張幸運咭給大家 “袋袋平安”!!

每一張不同顏色的咭均代表不同的願望, 當然你也可貪心一點四張也跟身啦!

想要? 快快留下電郵啦!!! 高清版隨郵附上!


先用彩色打印機列印出來, 將兩張同色的咭底面相背用雙面膠紙或膠水貼好, 再拿去過膠.

在農曆十二月三十晚, 按如下方式, 將願望掛起在(或置在)花上:

求事業 – 將咭掛在四季吉類盤裁或劍蘭上.

求財運 – 將咭掛在牡丹或銀柳上.

求愛情 – 將咭掛在桃花或百合花上

求健康 – 將咭掛在水仙或五代同堂上.

直至大年初二開年後, 取下前先誠心求你的心願, 再小心取下放好在銀包或手袋(可拆開紅包), 那便可以了.

記著, 花越美越盛, 所得之氣也越好, 還有是掛著期間, 千萬不可對著花說不好意頭的話, 例如 "花很不美", "死啦" , "慘啦" ......等等說話. 切記, 一定要對著說喜慶開心的話.


*上述的年花為建議品種, 也可放在你們習俗上求這些願望的年花上.



Anonymous said...

Hello, really like the song you're playing on your blog. Can you send me a copy to my e-mail

Much appreciated.

Thank you.

Kelvin said...

Dear Anonymous ,

Firstly Thank you for Surfing my Personal Blog.

I will continue to Update Hong Kong "怪谈" Paranormal News and their Events in here to let Fans and Public who like "怪谈" know more about them as well as (SPI) Singapore Paranormal Investigators Events and Paranormal News about (SPI)in FIRST Priority.

By the way the song in my blog is my editor who uploaded on the blog for me . I do not have the Original Mp3 Version if i have i will email to you in First Priority thank you for your comment in my blog and do intro more friends to browse through this blog .

Once again Thank You very Much!

Kelvin 阿杰


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